How to create a personal website (With zero experience)

Numerous businesses recognized the importance of having an online presence as the COVID pandemic spread, and it became nearly impossible to contact customers without one. As a result, creating a personal website is more critical than ever, but many businesses are unprepared for this long-term shift.

According to the SBA, just 64% of the US's 30 million companies have a website. This is unsurprising considering the number of company owners who are unsure where to begin, and for many, it remains too complicated or costly. This, however, is a problem because, according to a Blue Corona study, 80 percent of customers conduct online research before visiting a company. How will users find you if your business is not listed in search results? Generally, they will not. To be noticed online by potential customers, you must create a personal website.

Create your professional website with Workee

Why do you need one?

Businesses build websites to experiment with innovative technologies such as virtual reality (19%), chatbots (18%), and "dark mode" design (18%). New website tools and features may aid in the retention of current customers and the acquisition of new ones. Apart from this, the most often cited reasons for developing a website are as follows:

Faster hire

Personal web spaces are the best way to demonstrate professional creativity and uniqueness, especially if you want to show off finished projects.

According to Forbes, a strong personal site is more impressive to employers than any other aspect of a job candidate's profile. However, just 7% of candidates possess it. Invest in that 7%, and you'll impress more than half of employers with a resume website.

Sell your products

Starting a personal website is an important way to reach new customers if you create and sell products or services. Whether you knit too many hats in one winter, offer Thai massage a couple of times a month, or are a ceramist looking to sell your entire inventory, your personal website is an excellent place to set up an online store.

Build a strong brand

The more ways you have to connect with potential fans, the stronger your personal brand will become. As a result, your website provides an excellent opportunity to: 

  • Connect to social media platforms to broaden your reach. 

  • Use a personal blog to establish your authority.

  • Create a newsletter or add new subscribers to an existing one.

Check out this article for more tips on how to build a personal brand that stands out.

Personal website tutorials: 5 steps to building your own site

We'll go over the following topics in this personal website tutorial:

  1. Planning

  • Functionality

  • Design

2. Domain selection

3. Platform selection

  • WordPress

  • Website builders

4. Website design

  • Logo design

  • Graphic design

  • Page creation

  • Content management

5. Hosting & positioning

Learn how to create a website with just a few clicks.

Here's how to create a personal website. 


A plan helps you decide what areas, groups, and visitors you need; what content is appropriate for you; and how your site should look. Functionality and design are the two main pillars of your ideas.

  1. Functionality

Functionality best describes how fundamental features should be implemented. For example:

  • How to create individual pages, categorize them, and section them.

  • How a sitemap. 

  • How to properly use the title, description, and meta tags in a web page. 

  • How to create a semantic core and incorporate keywords into the content. 

2. Design

When designing your website, remember that the look and feel should appeal to visitors. To accomplish this: 

  • Determine the combination of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors and shades. This applies to graphic elements and the color of menu items that have been visited, unvisited, and are currently active. 

  • Define the font color and style, as well as the background color and style 

  • Determine the color "heaviness" of the header and footer, i.e., light and dark tones. They can be evenly spaced, darker towards the bottom of the screen or darker towards the top. 

  • Specify the appearance of graphic elements. Menu items, for example, can be square, round, or rounded. A dash or a mini-drawing could also separate them.

Create your professional website with Workee

Domain selection 

The domain is similar to a playing card. Every person has a PESEL, just as every website has an IP address. Memorizing someone's PESEL number at a party, on the other hand, would be inconvenient. "" is easier to remember than a string of numbers, just as a name is easier to remember. 

When registering a domain, the following factors must be considered: 

  • Character count and word length 

  • Reading ease

  • Writing ease

  • Memorability and connection

Platform selection 

When selecting a platform for your website, there are three major factors to consider: 

  1. Creating a website with a website builder is simple

Website building platforms are recommended for first-time website owners who do not have any coding experience. Creative freelancers, trainers, consultants, agencies, restaurants, and local businesses are typical members of such groups.

2. Creating a site with a content management system (CMS) can be moderately difficult

WordPress and other content management systems require a basic understanding of HTML/CSS or other coding languages, so you should assess your abilities in this area. In general, WordPress is not ideal for beginners.

3. Programming a website on your own can be extremely difficult (especially if you have no prior experience). 

Website design

Logo design for Website

4 parts of the entire site design to consider are logo, graphic, page creation, and CMS.

Logo design

This step of creating your own personal website should not be overlooked. Professional logo designs require time and knowledge of certain rules. First of all, the logo should be uncomplicated. It should not contain too many unnecessary elements, nor should you use more than three colors. 

The logo should also be universal. This means that it must look good on the website, business card, leaflet, in the negative, in white, and also on a billboard.

Graphic design

It would be best if you remembered a few important things when designing a website graphic design. Often, many designers want to create a universal layout and try to move standard elements such as logos or navigation to other places. This is one of the biggest page design mistakes. 

Page creation

In this step, the finished graphic design will be implemented as XHTML or HTML5 code and then placed on the server. It is a good practice to ensure the website works properly on the latest versions of popular browsers - Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.

When implementing a project, it sometimes happens that the fonts do not look the same as on the project. This is because we see the fonts in the design as an image, while on the page, they are dynamically generated by the system.  

Create your professional website with Workee

Content Management System - CMS

The success of a website is demonstrated not only by good unique content and a modern look. You should frequently add new articles and news to ensure regular returning users. However, constantly entrusting orders to programmers involves costs and is unprofitable in the long run. We recommend to consider content creation services to create a great content that will fit your profile as well.

Positioning and Hosting

How To Create A Personal Website (With Zero Experience) from the Workee team


Hosting refers to a service that connects your website to the Internet. A website can only be displayed on the web if it is stored on a computer constantly connected to the Internet (the server). When we visit a website, we connect to the server via its IP address. Users can connect to a computer at home or work, but it is cheaper to have it hosted by a corporation.


With more than half of the world's population using the Internet, having a personal website as a professional is a must. Your website distinguishes you and attracts clients to your business. Creating a personal website with Workee eliminates the need for technical or programming knowledge. It is designed for professionals who have little to no coding experience. The interface is a simple, user-friendly design that anyone can work on, even without formal Web design experience. All you need to do is add the necessary images and information to reflect your brand. Also, there is no additional cost for periodic website maintenance and updates. You don't need to spend a fortune to own your professional website.

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Ihor, CEO at Workee

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