All-in-one solution for private teachers and tutors

Manage your students, bookings, schedules, and payments all in one place with 0% fees!1

Get started

No credit card required

All-in-one solution for private teachers and tutors
[object Object]


private tutors

3 years+

of helping tutors


Google, Capterra, G2


customer support


Your all-in-one tutoring solution in few steps!

Step 1: Create your no-code website

Create a professional website for your tutoring business in less than 1 minute. Simplify the way your students book your sessions.

Step 1: Create your no-code website

Step 2: Design your scheduling and lessons

Set up your work schedule and time slots for any engagement. Create multiple free/paid time slots and streamline bookings with Workee.

Step 2: Design your scheduling and lessons

Step 3: Connect payments and get paid directly with 0% fees1

Create multiple lessons, get booked and paid through your website. Send invoices for your services with Workee.All of your payments are secure and handled in one place. Forget about market fees!

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Step 4: Promote business and get new students with Workee Ads

Run hustle-free ads in Facebook and Instagram, our in-house team takes care of a-z process for you. We will work with you to prepare banners, help to select target audience, location and budget. Your business gets students directly!

Step 4: Promote business and get new students with Workee Ads

Getting ready for online lessons?
Meet your time-saving ally.

Prepare for calls with your students efficiently using our cutting-edge AI solution. Save up to 10 hours a week and supercharge your online lessons with advanced AI technology. Tailored lesson plans are just a click away, making your teaching routine more efficient.

video calls iconconversation iconclock iconworkee callsworkee ai results


Connect Your Favorite Tools!

Google Calendar icon
Google Contacts icon
Google Meet icon
Zoom icon
PayPal icon
Stripe icon

Get Starter, grow to Pro

Looking to take your business to the next level? Join Workee, our community of 15,000+ professionals and unlock your full potential!

Workee Starter
Workee Starter

Perfect for beginners looking to start a business


No credit card required

10% Workee service fee

Get Started
Products and Services
Max 2 Products
Max 2 Services
Max 1 booking schedule
Unlimited Invoices
Website and Branding
Basic website templates
Basic website appearance
Embed Workee into any website (WIX, Squarespace, Wordpress, etc.)
Free website hosting included (a savings of up to $100/month!)
Clients Management
Unlimited clients
Unlimited Workee AI assistant
Email notifications
Workee Plus
Workee Plus

Perfect for seasoned freelancers earning up to $400 per month


per month / billed annually

5% Workee service fee

Get Started
🔥 Exclusive benefits Bonus
Live support in WhatsApp
Early access to new features
Products and Services
Unlimited Products
Unlimited Services
Unlimited booking schedules
Unlimited Invoices
Advanced Booking rules
Video Calls recording in desktop storage
Website and Branding
Basic and PRO website templates
Basic and PRO website appearance
Embed Workee into any website (WIX, Squarespace, Wordpress, etc.)
Free website hosting included (a savings of up to $100/month!)
Clients Management
Unlimited clients
Unlimited Workee AI assistant
Email notifications
WhatsApp & SMS notifications
Workee Pro
Workee Pro

Our most advanced plan. This plan pays itself if you earn $400+ per month


per month / billed annually

0% Workee service fee

Get Started
🔥 Exclusive benefits Bonus
Register your business with Doola for free (regular price $399.00)
Live support in WhatsApp
Dedicated account manager
Early access to new features
Products and Services
Unlimited Products
Unlimited Services
Unlimited booking schedules
Unlimited Invoices
Advanced Booking rules
Video Calls recording in desktop storage
Video Calls recording in cloud storage
Website and Branding
Basic and PRO website templates
Basic and PRO website appearance
Professional SEO support
Customisable footer
Your logo in Invoices and Receipts
Free website hosting included (a savings of up to $100/month!)
Embed Workee into any website (WIX, Squarespace, Wordpress, etc.)
Remove "Powered by Workee" (white-label website and embed code)
Custom domain address: (coming soon)
Clients Management
Unlimited clients
Unlimited Workee AI assistant
Email notifications
WhatsApp & SMS notifications
Workee Business
Workee Business

Our most advanced plan to manage multiple members and locations

Let's talk

Custom Pricing

Contact us
Everything in Pro, plus:
Custom integrations with your workflow
Manage multiple team members
Manage multiple locations
Remove Workee branding and set-up custom personalisation
Priority customer support 24/7 via Email and WhatsApp
Dedicated customer manager
Onboarding / implementation support
Google logo
stripe logo
paypal logo
the fourth effect logo
zoom logo
coditum logo
Qualified Tutor logo
mercury logo
Qualified Tutor logo
lessonspace logo


Join over 11,000 educators and grow your business today

Get started for free

No credit card required

Join over 11,000 educators and grow your business today

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