Workee product update: July 2022

Workee is pleased to announce that our big product update is already here!
As always, we are continuously working hard to improve integration and provide a top-notch user experience!
Here's what's new on Workee:
New Schedules and Availability
Thanks to our valued customers, we have completely redesigned our Availability functionality to provide flexibility for your day-to-day operations. You can now create multiple schedules for each day, as well as multiple time frames with the same schedule, to ensure that your work schedule is fully utilized!

How it works?
Go to the Booking page
Tap Add New Schedule in the My Availability section
Here you can create multiple schedules for different days and time frames within the same schedule.
New Time Slots from Workee

Now it's even easier to engage with clients and monetize your skills with Workee.
With New Time Slots, you can now create multiple engagements for your business.
Free sessions, paid appointments, and custom time slot duration are also available.
How it works?
Go to the Booking page and Time Slots section.
Tap on Add New Time Slot, enter the duration, and select free/paid option and description.
You can create up to 5 different time slots, both free and paid.
Plan vacations and holidays with Date Overrides

You do not need to change your work schedule on a regular basis. Workee has made it simple to plan your vacations and other days off! Simply enter the days you are unavailable, and your clients and other website visitors will not be able to book you on those days.
How it works?
Go to the Booking page
Tap Add a Date Override in the My Availability section.
You can now specify which days of the week you will be unavailable for your clients to schedule sessions and appointments.
Booking and Payment Flow

We have redesigned our Booking and Payment flow. From now on your clients and website visitors will be able to select time slots from a list of available time slots on your website.
In addition, we have added full support for various mobile and laptop devices to your Workee website.
Technical improvements
Bug Fixes
We are constantly working to make the platform's user experience the best. We value our users' feedback and are always open to communicate.
✅ Fixed: issue with unsubscribe from emails
🌟Improved: Flow for Google Calendars connection
🌟Improved: Flow for Google Meet connection
✅ Fixed: issues with searching contacts
Got any questions regarding the updates, send us a message at
Focus on clients; Leave the rest to Workee!