How to create a tutor coaching program

Perhaps you've been a tutor for quite some time, gained relevant experience and expertise, and achieved success in the tutoring business; maybe it's time to consider starting a tutoring coaching program.

We receive many questions from budding tutors on a daily basis who are searching for a guide to help them scale through the early stages of uncertainties and difficulties.

Your answers are in this Workee expert article. We'll be sharing tips on how to create a tutoring coaching program. Let's jump straight in.

Assess the need

According to the top job board, Zippia, there are currently over 358,000 tutors in the United States. Despite this seemingly huge number, several sources still say there needs to be more tutors. So we have one thing clear: more tutors are needed. And not just "more" but "more experienced tutors." This is where you come in.

You need to assess the tutoring situation around you to find out the biggest needs and challenges tutors face.

Define the mission

If you've decided to create a tutoring program to help others, you need to define what you intend to achieve with this program. Tutor coaching can be very wide; hence you may decide to coach tutors on how to maximize their income and enhance their earning potential. You can also decide to coach preschool tutors on promoting better learning outcomes with their students. There are more; you need to define your goals and set sail.

Set goals and objectives

You should set goals and objectives. This would give you direction and help you achieve success with your tutoring program. Don't misplace setting goals and objectives with defining the mission- they mean different things.

Defining the mission helps you set relevant goals and objectives that would lead you to success.

Kickstart your tutoring coaching with Workee today!

Create tutoring program partnerships

Partnering with colleagues, education groups, communities, and relevant authorities can be beneficial while creating your tutoring program design. Their inputs, ideas, and perspectives can provide insights enabling you to craft a more effective coaching program template. You may also collaborate with more experienced tutor coaches to deliver a program. Doing this will help build your credibility faster.

Design the program

Creating a coaching program for tutors requires understanding tutors' pain points and what needs or lapses they wish to attend to. When you understand this, it will help you deliver valuable programs that will be appreciated.

Here's a quick step that will help design a tutor coaching program template

  • Outline the problems your target audience (tutors you wish to reach) are currently facing

  • Write out the processes and solutions that can help solve these identified problems.

  • Write out how your audience can apply the solutions and what results they expect to get. At this point, you have to be specific about how they can apply the solution. Is it like a daily affirmation, is it a video they need to watch, etc.? Just outline it in detail.

  • Highlight expected results and outcomes from the program.

Choose a program structure

One-on-one tutor coaching or group coaching are two options you may choose to implement. Everything depends on your preferences and the critical needs of your target audience. Alternatively, based on the particular requirements of your audience, you may choose to adopt both structures.

Offer support for tutors

You must be empathetic and eager to show support to tutors when needed. Do not just be profit-driven, or else your audience will assume that you're only coaching for profit and not for impact. This is not to say that you should not charge a fair fee for your service; however, you should be dedicated and committed to seeing positive outcomes and not just to earn money.

Implement the plans

No matter how well thought out your plans are, they are only effective if you implement them. However, you must remain open-minded and be willing to make changes to the existing plan so that they fit into reality.

Kickstart your tutoring coaching with Workee today!

Keep a check on finances

Apart from setting out to make a difference or guide the new entrants in the tutoring niches, one of the main reasons behind your intention to start a tutor coaching program is to create a source of income. This is why you need to be accountable and prudent with your earnings.

You should keep a proper record of what you spend on delivering your services. This will help you make important decisions that influence your rates. 

To enable better accountability with your finances, it is important that you have automated tools that can help you rack and manage your cash inflow and outflow. One such tool is Workee.

Workee is an all-in-one business software that enables you to manage your online business. With the accounting hub on Workee, you can track your earnings, receive payments, calculate your taxes, and issue invoices and receipts.

Establish your presence online

The advent of the internet has presented us with a means of reaching a broader audience and demonstrating our expertise to them online. You should use Social media well and ensure you use it to demonstrate your level of expertise in tutoring, promoting your program, and attracting new clients.

Create reference materials for your class

Creating a successful learning program may be very hard if the learners do not have good materials to consult in case they do not understand a particular topic. This is why you need to use your experience and good research skills to develop comprehensive reference material that treats everything you think new tutors need to know before venturing into the niche.

Having good reference material will help make your coaching program easier and also aid in improving your learners' comprehension of the topics you teach them.

Kickstart your tutoring coaching with Workee today!

Gather the right tools for your private coaching business

It is important to ensure you have all the tools you need to deliver your tutoring coaching service effectively and easily. This will help your coaching business and reduce the stress you may encounter if you are not using the right tools.

A good example of such tools is Workee. Essential Workee features for coaches include:

Free website: Workee also offers you a free website to enable you to promote your tutor coaching business. You have multiple templates to choose from and personalized SEO to optimize your content. Your Workee website can be set up in 5 minutes.

Client management: Workee syncs with your Google contacts and allows you to add other important business contacts to manage and communicate with all your students from one place. You can also keep track of your communication with your client.

Booking: The software provides a booking function that allows clients to book you at your set preferred time. You get a notification immediately after you are booked, and the system sends automated emails to confirm the appointment.

Finance management: Managing your finances gets easy. The Workee software spots an accounting hub that enables you to manage and keep track of your cash inflow and outflow. You may issue invoices and receipts and calculate accruable tax, so you never miss a thing.

Video calls: Personalize your business relationships and deliver better coaching value using the Workee video collaboration tool. With this tool, you can hold video classes and even take down notes while communicating.

Kickstart your tutoring coaching with Workee today! It's free and easy

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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