Freelance tax deductions to look out for in 2023

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Photo by Igal Ness on Unsplash

According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), nearly 70% of all taxpayers itemize their deductions on their tax returns. This means that more than half of taxpayers are leveraging this tax window. As a freelancer, staying informed about the tax deductions available to you is important to minimize your tax liability and maximize your income.

In 2023, there are several key tax deductions that every freelancer should be aware of, including deductions for home office expenses, self-employment taxes, and business-related expenses such as travel and equipment purchases. By keeping a close eye on these deductions and utilizing them to their fullest extent, freelancers can save significant amounts of money on their taxes.

This Workee article will take you on a tour of the trending tax deductions every freelancer should keep a finger on in 2023. Sit tight and enjoy the tour. 

What are freelance tax deductions?  

A tax deduction is an amount of money that is subtracted from your taxable income. This reduces the amount of tax you owe. The amount of money you can deduct depends on the type of deduction and the amount you expend. A perfect scenario is when a freelancer spends $2,500 on operational expenses. He can subtract $2,500 from his taxable income, thus reducing the amount of taxes he owes. 

The IRS has specific rules and regulations when it comes to deductions. It's important to understand these rules and follow them closely to enjoy the numerous benefits of tax deductions.

How to claim freelance tax deductions  

Claiming freelance tax deductions can be done in a few easy steps. First, you need to determine which deductions you qualify for. The IRS website lists allowable deductions for freelancers, which can be helpful. 

Once you've determined which deductions you qualify for, you'll need to itemize them on your taxes. This means listing each deduction and the amount of money you spent on it. You'll also need proof of the expenses, such as receipts or invoices. 

Finally, you'll need to calculate your deductions. The IRS provides a tax calculator that can help determine how much you can deduct. Once you've done this, you can submit your taxes and receive your tax refund. But even better, you can avoid the stress that comes with tax management by creating a Workee account. Workee is a client management tool that takes care of client relationships, payments, and tax management. With Workee, you can 'efficiently manage your tax returns and deductions without getting wound up. 

But that isn't all. Workee is the perfect all-in-one business management tool for independent professionals and freelancers. With Workee, you can attend to all aspects of your job quickly and professionally, from client management to booking and scheduling work. Workee also has features to automate tedious business management processes and give you more time to focus on delivering quality freelance services to your clients. 

What freelance tax deductions are available?

Have you been racking your brain over the types of tax deductions available? You are in the right spot, and we have you covered. Below, we will take you o a tour of the top 8 tax deductions to keep a pulse on in 2023. 

1. Home office deductions

Hey, did you know that as a freelancer, you're eligible for a pretty sweet tax deduction called the home office deduction? Basically, it allows you to deduct a portion of your rent or mortgage payments and other expenses related to your home office.

Here's how it works: the amount you can deduct depends on the size of your home office and how much of it you use for business purposes. So, let's say you use 20% of your home for business purposes. You can deduct 20% of your rent or mortgage payments. And that's not all! You can also deduct a portion of other expenses related to your home office, like utilities, internet, and office supplies. Pretty cool, right? Well, check the next

2. Education and learning expenses 

As a freelancer, you may be able to deduct work-centered education expenses on your tax return if you paid for them during the year. Amazing. But not so fast. Here is the catch - it must be established that you spent the funds running a program that will keep or boost your abilities in your current line of work. However, it may not be deductible if the program qualifies you for a new career or a different business.

A perfect example is when you offer home maintenance services and elect to take a home maintenance education course, which you can deduct from your taxes. This course is tax deductible because it maintains and improves your present abilities. 

Note: Tuition, books, supplies, fees, and transportation costs, among other things, can be deducted if you are eligible. 

3. Advertisments & promotions  

"Unlock the power of deductions with advertising and promotion expenses! As a freelancer, you can deduct the cost of website fees, business cards, and other promotional materials that are related to your business. Imagine the excitement of being able to deduct the cost of those sleek business cards you just ordered to promote your freelance empire, all while reducing your taxable income! This tax deductions for freelancers one you don't want to snooze on. You snooze on this and you may miss out on the opportunity to boost your finances and elevate your brand."

4. Insurance premiums  

Here is another freelance tax deduction you don't want to fold your hands on. As a freelancer, it is important to be aware of the opportunity to deduct insurance premiums from your taxes. This includes premiums for health, life, and disability insurance. The amount that can be deducted will vary based on the type of insurance and the amount paid in premiums. For example, if a monthly premium of $500 is paid for health insurance, $500 may be deducted from taxable income. It is recommended to maintain accurate records of insurance premiums to ensure proper deductions are made when filing taxes.

5. Professional memberships  

Freelancers can also deduct professional memberships from their taxes. This includes memberships to professional organizations, such as the National Writers Union or the Society of Professional Journalists. 

Tax deductions here will be based on the membership cost and how much you use in business. A good example is when a freelance writer pays $150 for a National Writers Union membership and uses it to promote his business. He is allowed to deduct the cost of the membership from his taxes.

6. Business travel expenses

Business expenses are a must-have in every venture, And while it is usually a hard nut to crack, there are simple tricks to help make his burden less onerous. What if we told you that, as a freelancer, it is possible to deduct expenses incurred for business travel? These expenses may include airfare, lodging, and meals. Isn't that a huge mass of business burden off your shoulders? 

However, there is a catch. The amount to be deducted will be determined by the cost of the travel expenses and the proportion of the trip spent on business activities. For instance, if an individual incurs $1,150 in airfare expenses while traveling for business, they may deduct that from their taxable income.

7. Supplies & equipment

Freelancers can also deduct the cost of supplies and equipment from their taxes. This includes computers, printers, office furniture, and other supplies. The tax to be deducted here is arrived at by calculating the cost of the supplies and equipment and how much of it was used during business operations. That is to say, if a freelancer spends $850 on purchasing a PC and uses it for business operations, he is allowed a tax deduction of $850 from his taxable income. 

8. Miscellaneous tax deductions  

Finally, there are some miscellaneous tax deductions that freelancers can take advantage of. These deductions include legal and consulting fees, internet and phone bills, and more. As a freelancer, if you engage the services of a lawyer to draft a contract and make a payment of $600, you are entitled to a $600 tax deduction from your income. 


Tax deductions are a great way for freelancers to reduce their tax bills. Many deductions are available, including home office deductions, advertising and promotion expenses, insurance premiums, professional memberships, business travel expenses, supplies and equipment, and miscellaneous deductions. It's important to understand the rules and regulations for deductions and follow them closely. Keeping track of your expenses and deductions will help ensure you don't miss out on any deductions and help position your brand to be trusted. 

Do you need help getting your tax fillings? Trust Workee to manage your taxes quickly and accurately. With Workee, you can easily manage your projects, coordinate plans, monitor progress, and optimize workflows. Workee also allows you to connect with other essential business tools to streamline communication and collaboration to get the most out of every project. Get started with Workee today and discover the easy and efficient way to manage all your work. 

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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