3 Blog writing tips to drive people to your nonprofit or consultancy website

Ihor Bauman, CEO of Workee, was a guest on the grant writing and funding podcast.
In this episode, Ihor Bauman joins Holly Rustick, host of the Grant Writing & Funding podcast, to discuss how to build effective blogs that attract users and donors to your nonprofit or consulting website.
Here's a sneak peek of what was discussed on the podcast:
About Workee
Nonprofits on Workee
How to create blogs
Being specific on why you want to write a blog
Have Quality Content (not just marketing)
Being niche in your blog
How to ensure that your content is optimized for search engines
How to market your blog
Bringing people to talk about your products/ services / nonprofit
The importance of goals
How to Get the Best Testimonials
Check out the full podcast here.