All-in-one solution for micro schools and tutoring companies

Manage tutors, schedules, accept payments, generate lessons and grow your business with built-in ads in one place
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All-in-One Solution for Private Schools

More than just scheduling

It’s challenging to grow and manage your business. Or a freelance gig, you name it.

That's why Workee is here – with the most flexible booking system, a simple yet powerful personal website, and direct payments.

Booking system

Manage tutors and tutors’ schedule in a simple view

Add and edit tutors of your business, set-up one-branding and manage tutors schedule easy.You can simply invite tutors to join, and each tutor can set-up its personal website to work with their students. You’ll get payments to your business account directly.
Manage tutors and tutors’ schedule in a simple view

Branded landing page for each of your tutors with built-in bookings and payments

Demonstrate skills and experience with branded landing page. Set up schedule & time slots — free or paid, one-time or recurring. Avoid last-minute calls with granular availability rules.
Branded landing page for each of your tutors with built-in bookings and payments

Built-in payments for your business.

Get paid to your business account directly when students and parents are booking lessons with your tutors. 0% transaction fees for all payments with Workee Pro.
Built-in payments for your business.

Build better lesson plans with Workee AI

Generate lesson plans, exercises, homework, or quizzes in few clicks.Just share your session topic and participant details, and Workee AI will get you covered.content-swap
Build better lesson plans with Workee AI

Grow your tutoring business with built-in ads

Workee partnered with Facebook and Instagram so you can prepare and launch ads to your business in one place. Workee in-house expert team is taking care of ads preparation and launch for you.
Grow your tutoring business with built-in ads

Professionals love Workee

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"Workee has had a significant impact on my work. It's a breath of fresh air to be able to manage everything (client communication, contracts, taxes, payments, and invoicing) on a single platform, rather than having to rely on multiple services in the past."

David G., ESL Tutor

David G., ESL Tutor


Connect Your Favorite Tools!

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Transparent pricing for any size business

Over 11,000 professionals trust Workee today, join our community!

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Workee Teams
for 2 tutors

Additional $25.00 per tutor per month

0% fees from Workee for all payments

Essential features for tutoring business
Simple management of tutors and their schedules
Professional website with business styling and branding
Advanced SEO support
One-time and recurring lessons, with Advanced Booking rules
Automatic invoicing, lessons notifications and reminders
Built-in Workee video calls, Zoom and Google Meet support
Sell your services and products with Online Store
Unlimited lesson lesson plans, homework, quizzes generation with Workee AI
Integration with Facebook Ads for Facebook and Instagram ads launch
Dedicated account manager and 24/7 Priority support
14-Days Money Back Guarantee
SSL Secure Payment
Workee support

Curious about Workee? We can show you around!

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