Working from home and maximizing productivity

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic prompted millions of businesses to switch to remote work, revealing surprising findings about the relationship between working from home and productivity.
Post-pandemic, working from home and productivity remain hot topics, as an increasing number of individuals work from home. In this article, we'll look at some key statistics and guidance on how to be your most productive while working from home.
Noteworthy statistics on work-from-home productivity
Numerous studies have found that people who work from home are more productive and happier in their jobs.
According to a Prodoscore study, working from home increases employee productivity by up to 47 percent. Because there are fewer interruptions, fewer unnecessary meetings, and no commute, remote employees are more productive. Studies on productivity have also shown a correlation between employee satisfaction and improved productivity due to flexible working hours.
Bloom conducted one of the largest studies on productivity and work from home at CTrip, a large Chinese travel agency, where call center employees were randomly assigned to work from the headquarters or home for nine months; the results showed that productivity among those who worked from home was 13% higher than productivity among those who worked from the office. This increase in productivity can be attributed to a calmer working environment, more job satisfaction from home, and longer work hours.
According to an Owl Labs survey, 70% of people who worked from home during the pandemic said virtual meetings were less stressful, and 64% preferred hybrid meetings.
According to an Airtasker survey, work-from-home employees spent 15% less time avoiding work, worked 1.4 more days per month, and took more breaks. Remote employees reported being less distracted by coworkers, spending 30 minutes less time talking about non-work topics, and spending 7% less time talking to management.
According to a Rescuetime study, eliminating commuting and face-to-face meetings can save you 2 to 5.5 hours daily! Similarly, an Australian study discovered that commuting distance was strongly related to absenteeism and work productivity. According to the same study, those who commute less are more productive and happier at their jobs.
Other studies explain that people who work from home have a healthy work-life balance.
Tips on how to work from home and maximize productivity
Create and adhere to a schedule that works for you
A flexible schedule is one of the perks of working outside a typical office. Which is terrific. However, there is a tendency to procrastinate. To avoid this, determine your chronotype, or the time of day when you function at your peak and adjust your working hours accordingly. Try to adhere to your ideal schedule once you've established it. It will be more difficult to recover and resume productive work if you allow yourself to become too relaxed. Your plans will occasionally change and disrupt your work schedule; this is inevitable. When this happens, don't be hard on yourself. Try to get back on track as soon as possible.
Don't get too comfortable
When you work from home, you can afford to work anywhere as long as you get the job done on time. It could be your bedroom, a cafe, etc. You also don't have to dress up or even get out of bed, but the downside is that such cozy settings may distract you from work, put you to sleep, and are not conducive to effective work. Make a suitable working environment. You should have a separate room or at the very least a table where you only work.
Take breaks between completed tasks
There are several reasons why you should incorporate short breaks into your schedule. One important reason is our attention span. We can focus on the object for about 45 minutes on average. If we continue to work, we will inevitably break away from our tasks. Then neither work nor your concentration will be constructive, nor will you be able to relax. Therefore, it is best to take brief breaks, rest, and return to the task. Take a break if you feel yourself losing concentration.
Plan mealtimes and chores
Establishing a convenient eating schedule when working from home is also essential. You decide how many times per day you will eat, whether you will cook and dine at home or visit a cafe and order in. Plan your meals for the day in advance. as well as household chores. Housework is an excellent way to get away from work and be productive.
Get rid of the distractions
Knowing that you are working remotely, your friends and family members may be unaware that you are on a tight schedule and cannot leave work anytime. People around you will want you to help with housework, run errands, and so on. The best way to do this is to learn to prioritize and say no politely. Set strict limits for working hours and do not violate them; teach your loved ones to respect your time. Explain to them you are currently indisposed and will attend to them as soon as you are free. However, distractions are not limited to other people. You may have noticed that you mentally scroll through social media instead of concentrating on your work. There is an easy way to deal with this type of disruption. During working hours, turn off or put away your phone.
Automate your work process
Automating your work processes will undoubtedly boost your productivity. You usually realize you have more work than you can handle. Administrative tasks such as making and confirming appointments, sending emails, receiving payments, and calculating taxes require time and effort. Automating these tasks can eliminate repetitive manual tasks or processes, lowering the possibility of human error and increasing productivity.
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Set a strict end time
Establish a specific, fixed end time for the working day. You will be more distracted if you do not have such a point because you have so much time left. As a result, your day will feel endless and unproductive, and the amount of work you require will continue to grow. Use the timer to keep yourself in check. Don't become so engrossed in your work that it consumes all of your time and becomes your only priority in life. Furthermore, if you work at the expense of your sleep, you will be unproductive the next day. It is more logical to limit your working hours and give yourself adequate rest, as this will allow you to complete tasks on time and as efficiently as possible.