Top 10 coaching exercises in digital coaching

Digital coaching has exploded in the last few years, and for a good reason! It's super convenient and flexible, often more affordable than other coaching options, and lets you share more information and feedback with your clients. If you're ready to try out some of the most popular digital coaching exercises, this Workee article is your guide to success! Discover the top ten exercises and how to use them in your coaching practice.

What does digital coaching mean?

Digital coaching is a process that uses digital technologies to facilitate the exchange of information and feedback between a coach and their client. This type of coaching can occur in real-time or asynchronously and can support various goals, including personal development, professional development, and organizational change.


Digital coaching often uses video conferencing, instant messaging, email, and online learning platforms. These tools allow coaches and clients to connect from anywhere in the world. This flexibility can make digital coaching an attractive option for busy professionals who may not have the time or ability to meet in person. Using coaching exercises for digital coaching can effectively build trust and rapport, provide support and accountability, and help clients achieve their goals.

Why are these exercises popular?

There are a few reasons why these exercises are so popular. First, they are all very effective in helping people to reach their goals. Second, they are all relatively simple and don't require much time or effort. Third, they can be done by anyone, regardless of their skill level or experience. Finally, they are all highly customizable so that each person can tailor them to their needs and preferences.

Top ten coaching exercises

Digital coaching is a process that uses digital tools to facilitate the coaching relationship between coach and client. It can include email, text messaging, video conferencing, and other digital communication tools. The top ten coaching exercises in digital coaching are:

1. Defining the problem or goal

The first step towards achieving anything is clearly knowing what you want. In this exercise, the coach and client define the problem or goal the coaching will address. The coach will help clients define their goals and ensure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, a client may want to increase their sales, and the coach will help them to define their goal as "Increase revenue by 40% in the next quarter." This exercise helps to ensure that both parties are clear on what needs to be accomplished.

2. Brainstorming solutions

Once the goals are defined, the next step is to develop a plan of action. In this exercise, the coach and client brainstorm potential solutions. The coach will help the client to create a roadmap that outlines the steps they need to take to achieve their goals. For example, if a client's goal is to increase sales by 40%, the coach and client can put heads together to identify the key tasks needed to be completed each week to achieve that goal.

3. Identifying potential obstacles

The coach is here to help the client figure out what may be getting in the way of their goals. It could be anything from little to no time and low resources to mental roadblocks or doubts. Let's say a client wants to see a 40% uptick in sales; the coach will assist in pinpointing any hassles that could hinder them, such as lack of proper instruction or inadequate communication.

4 . Setting deadlines

The coach and client agree on deadlines for each task in the action plan. This exercise helps to overcome procrastination. In this activity, the coach helps the client develop plans to help them reach their goals on time. For example, breaking down big tasks or projects into smaller, more manageable steps, using a timer to stay focused, and ensuring that progress is made on time and the client is accountable.

5. Tracking progress

The coach and client track progress toward the goal throughout the coaching process. This exercise allows for course correction if necessary and provides a sense of accomplishment when milestones are reached.

6. Celebrating successes

The coach and client celebrate successes to help maintain motivation and momentum. This exercise reinforces positive behavior and creates a sense of camaraderie between coach and client.

7. Dealing with stress

Stress can prevent individuals from achieving their goals and negatively impact their mental and physical health. In this exercise, the coach will help the client to identify the sources of their stress and develop strategies to manage it. For example, the coach may help the client to develop a self-care plan, practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques, or find healthy ways to cope with stress.

8. Enhancing communication skills

Effective communication is necessary for personal and professional success. In this exercise, the coach helps the client to identify their communication strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to improve their skills. For example, the coach may help the client to practice active listening, assertiveness, and clear and concise communication.

9. Reflection

The coach and client reflect on the coaching experience periodically to identify lessons learned and areas of improvement. This exercise allows for growth and development and ensures that the coaching relationship continually evolves.

10. Practicing self-motivation

Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when faced with obstacles or setbacks. In this exercise, the coach will help the client to identify their motivators and develop strategies to stay motivated and on track. For example, the coach may help the client to set achievable goals, create a positive mindset, and find accountability and support.

How to implement these exercises

Digital coaching is all about using technology to facilitate the coaching process. There are several ways to do this, but one of the most popular is to use tools and resources. There are several different online tools and resources that you can use to implement these exercises. One of the most popular is to use online coaching software. This software provides different features and benefits to help you implement these exercises effectively. Some of the features that you may find useful include:

  • Creating custom exercises

  • Tracking progress

  • Providing feedback

Another popular option is to use online coaching communities. These communities provide you with several different resources that you can use to implement these exercises. They also provide a community of coaches to connect with and learn from.


Wrapping up on the top ten digital coaching exercises, it's important to remember that these are popular for a reason. They work well and help people reach their goals and be successful. But it's also important to remember that there is no one way to coach that works for everyone. What works for one person might not work for someone else. It is important to ensure that the exercises fit the needs of each client. In this article, you will find useful information about digital coaching and the exercises used to help people reach their goals in this article.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What are SMART goals?

A. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals that help individuals set clear and achievable targets.

Q. What should I include in my plan of action?

A. Your action plan should include specific tasks, deadlines, and a timeline for each step. It should also include any needed resources and a method for tracking your progress.

Q. How can I stay focused on my priorities?

A. To stay focused on your priorities, create a daily schedule, eliminate distractions, and use tools and strategies to stay motivated and on track.

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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