How to take meeting notes for better recollection

People often disregard the importance of taking notes during meetings and are left to rue the outcome when it comes time to reflect or act on the meeting's decisions. As powerful as the brain is, it can only retain information after repeatedly reviewing it.

According to scientific research, people typically forget 50% of the information they get within the first hour. They further forget 70% within 24 hours, and in a week, as much as 90% is gone.

A professional who deals with client information should always take notes during each session or meeting. If you do not take adequate meeting notes, you will struggle to recall the contents of the conversation and may even fail to follow up properly. Taking notes during meetings also increases work efficiency and performance. This Workee article will show you the most effective and efficient methods for taking notes in meetings.

Meetings made easy with Workee

What is a meeting note?

Many people confuse meeting minutes with meeting notes, but important distinctions must be recognized to take effective meeting notes.

A meeting note is just a quick note recorded during a meeting to assist participants in remembering the important subjects addressed and adhering to the meeting's directions. It differs from meeting minutes since it is less extensive and strictly ordered. The meeting notes are largely for your personal use; however, minutes are sent to participants after the meeting.

Why taking meeting notes are important?

Taking notes during meetings has several benefits; every professional should know how to do it. Here are some reasons why taking notes during a meeting is important:

It improves comprehension

Taking notes on the issues addressed during the meeting in your own words will help you understand them and make it easier to revisit them afterward. As a result, if you like to ask questions after meetings, be sure to take notes so you may go back to them later if you don't understand anything.

It enables you to recall important details

It is normal for humans to forget things; thus, it is OK for you to forget some of the meeting subjects. However, missing important meeting information may place you on your employer's "blacklist," making them think less of you as a committed worker.

One crucial strategy to avoid this is to take meeting notes, allowing you to access significant subjects discussed during the meeting and act on some of those that need your attention.

A study even showed that writing on a physical paper makes the brain remember the information for at least one hour. So if you want to remember everything said at the meeting, try taking notes during the meeting.

Meetings made easy with Workee

It increases workers' output

Taking meeting notes lets you track the tasks assigned during the meeting and the deadline, increasing your job performance and productivity.

This illustrates how taking notes may help you recall the assignments, due dates, and the important issues addressed during the discussion. This will allow you to arrange your job and complete it on schedule.

It improves concentration

Taking notes at a meeting allows you to ensure that you are paying attention to the meeting's subjects of discussion. Taking notes during a meeting can encourage you to pay great attention since you may fail to capture important information if distracted.

If you are easily distracted in meetings, taking notes during your next one may be the best way to keep complete attention and concentration.

Things to include in your meeting note

When taking notes during a meeting, adding details that will make your notes more effective, structured, and valuable later is important. Your meeting notes should contain the following information:

1. The meeting time and participants

The date of the meeting day of holding and the attendees' names should be the first two items on your meeting notice. This will assist you in understanding the topics covered in the meeting and knowing the people involved in the decisions made.

2. The meeting agenda

Your list should also contain the meeting's agenda and important discussion topics. The schedule is often sent to all participants before the meeting. The agenda may be used to arrange your notes and record every conversation during the meeting under each item on the agenda.

Meetings made easy with Workee

3. Issues discussed and resolutions

It's also critical to include a section in your meeting minutes that covers all the issues discussed and the positions taken on each one. You'll be able to remember all the points raised and decisions taken, allowing you to focus on achieving your goals.

4. Questions and responses

The meeting's questions and replies to each inquiry should also be noted. Clarifying anything you don't understand throughout the discussion is critical, so ask questions and note the answers. Consequently, by simply checking your meeting notes, you can acquire answers to any questions you may have following the meeting.

5. Discussion points for future meetings

You should provide this information in your note as well. It comprises all perspectives, questions, and actions to be done after the meeting to maintain track of them.

Meeting-related tasks It is also critical to keep track of the deadlines for each task assigned to each meeting participant. This might assist you in keeping track of the tasks assigned to you and making strategies to complete them before the deadline.

6. Meeting Summary

It is essential to write a meeting recap right after the meeting while the discussion is still fresh in your mind. This summary may contain your most critical information and any action items or necessary future actions.

After you finish this review, you will have useful meeting notes that you may refer to on the go to recollect any important information from the meeting.

Bonus tip: Statistics show that 81% of people who use meeting productivity tools tend to follow up on meeting action. Using meeting productivity tools with scheduling, video conferencing, auto-reminders, and automated workspace features is a great way to automate and simplify the process of taking notes. A good example of such a tool is Workee.

Workee is a versatile business management tool suitable for tutors and independent professionals. It automates the meeting process, including scheduling, booking, and automated reminders to participants. You also have your workspace where you can take meeting notes and save them for reference purposes. In addition to these, Workee also offers other features that every freelancer would find helpful. These include;

  • Free website creation tool with customizable templates allows you to create your personal website in less than 5 minutes.

  • With automated reminders, you can never miss an appointment or a deadline.

  • Integrated payments and automated invoicing allow you to track payments and issue invoices.

  • Video calling/conferencing tools to collaborate with your clients.


Taking notes allows you to be more effective by reminding you of the meeting's essential points and activities. Furthermore, scheduling solutions such as Workee are critical for increasing productivity and having good meetings.

You'll be surprised at how efficiently your job productivity rises if you take notes at your next meeting and incorporate all of the crucial ideas in this article.

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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