Top 7 high-demand freelance skills

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Freelancing has become a dominant force in the modern job market, allowing professionals to work on their terms, choose projects that align with their interests, and earn substantial incomes. As 2023 draws closer, the landscape of freelance work continues to evolve, presenting lucrative opportunities for those equipped with the right skills. In this article, Workee experts will share the top seven high-demand freelance skills poised to dominate the freelancing world in 2024 and beyond.

Top 7 high-demand freelance skills

Here is a list and brief description of the top freelance skills in high demand.

1. Copywriters

Businesses are constantly vying for attention online. Whether on websites, social media, or email marketing, companies need compelling written content to engage their audience. Copywriters are the wordsmiths who craft these messages, ensuring they grab attention and persuade customers to take action – making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or simply staying engaged with the brand.

Copywriters who understand the nuances of crafting compelling, concise messages for platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and blogs are in high demand. The ability to capture attention in just a few words is a valuable skill.

Moreover, personal branding and storytelling are key trends in marketing. Copywriters who effectively convey a brand's story and values are incredibly valuable. This involves writing skills and a deep understanding of branding and marketing strategy.

The average salary of copywriters

  • According to PayScale, the average salary of a copywriter in the United States is $57,294 per annum or $24.20 per hour.

2. Digital Marketing

According to Statista, over 60% of the world’s population currently uses the Internet, and with a growing preference for digital media, businesses are scrambling to establish a strong online presence. They want to connect with their target audience where they mostly hang out - the Internet. That's where digital marketing comes into play.

Digital marketing involves using various online channels and tools to promote products or services. It covers everything from social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. These methods allow businesses to reach a global audience and need experts who can navigate this digital landscape effectively.

Digital marketing isn't just about posting on social media or creating catchy ads. It's about analyzing data to understand what's working and what isn't. This requires skills in data analytics and interpreting metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer behavior. As businesses become more data-centric, digital marketers who can make sense of this data are in high demand.

Digital marketing is perfectly suited for freelancing because much of the work can be done remotely. Freelancers can work with clients from around the world without the need for a physical office. This flexibility attracts many professionals looking to set their schedules and work from anywhere.

The average salary of digital marketers;

  • According to, the average digital marketing salary in the USA is $66,896 annually or $32.16 per hour.

3. Web development and design

The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and businesses constantly strive to establish and expand their online presence. Think about it: Everyone needs a website, from e-commerce to personal blogs. And not just any website, but one that's user-friendly, visually appealing, and efficient. This means there's a growing need for developers who can build responsive and efficient websites and designers who can craft engaging user interfaces.

According to a report on Forbes, the International Data Corporation has predicted that by 2025, there will be a shortfall of four million skilled web developers. Meanwhile, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that nearly 200,000 developer positions will need to be filled annually until the end of the decade.

The demand for web development and design is only expected to grow as more businesses realize the importance of a strong online presence. Whether creating a website from scratch, optimizing for mobile devices, or refreshing an outdated design, freelancers in this field are poised for success.

The average salary of web developers

4. Video production and editing

Video production and editing are set to be one of the top freelance skills in 2024. Why, you ask? Well, let's break it down.

The world has gone video-crazy. From social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to the rise of streaming services like Netflix and YouTube, video content is everywhere. It's the primary way people consume information and entertainment.

Businesses have caught on to this trend. They need videos to engage their audiences for marketing, training, or to stay relevant. Statistics show that about 86% of businesses now use video as a marketing tool, and more marketers are set to join the trend.

 The average salary of a video producer and editor

  • Reports from show that the average salary of a video production and editing professional in the USA is $71,570 per year.

5. Graphics design

Every business wants to stand out, starting with a killer visual identity. From logos to social media graphics, companies need eye-catching designs to capture attention and build brand recognition. So, graphic designers are in high demand to create these visual assets.

Another factor is the surge in online content creation. With blogs, vlogs, and social media ruling the digital landscape, graphics are constantly needed to accompany all that text and video. Graphic designers play a pivotal role in making this content engaging and shareable.

Furthermore, the rise of e-commerce has put graphic designers in a unique position. Online stores are popping up left and right; each needs product images, web banners, and advertisements to engage customers.

If you have an eye for good designs or creating pleasing and relevant designs, consider learning graphic design skills going into 2024.

The average salary of a graphics designer

Indeed, it suggests that Graphics designers in the United States earn an average of $57,024 per year and $21.14 per day.

6. SEO specialists

SEO is a dynamic field. Search engines constantly evolve their algorithms; what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. So, companies constantly look for experts to keep them ahead of the curve.

Besides, the competition online is fierce. There are countless websites out there, all striving for attention and traffic. So, brands are willing to invest in SEO specialists who can help them climb the search engine rankings and get noticed.

Also, consumer behavior has shifted. People rely heavily on search engines to find what they need, whether products, services, or information. So, businesses want to ensure they appear at the top of search results, and that's where SEO experts come in to optimize their websites for those coveted top spots.

The average salary of an SEO specialist

Indeed, suggests that SEO specialists in the United States earn an average of $62,045 per year and $29.19 per day.

7. Data analysis

One skill that's stealing the spotlight in recent times is data analysis, and here is why.

First, businesses have more data at their fingertips than ever before. They've got customer data, market data, sales data, etc. And they're itching to make sense of it all to drive better decisions. That's where data analysts come in.

Data analysts manage and transform data into valuable insights that help companies understand their customers, identify market trends, and optimize their operations. 

Interestingly, data analysis isn't just for big corporations anymore. Small businesses, startups, non-profits, etc., are all realizing the power of data. They want to make informed decisions, target their marketing efforts, and improve their operations. And they need skilled data analysts to help them do it.

The average salary of a data analyst

  • Reports from Indeed show that the average salary of a data analyst in the USA is $76,783 per year and $38.03 per hour.

Honourable mentions

  • Project management

  • Cybersecurity professional

  • Virtual Assistant

  • Photography

  • Mobile app developer.

Quick Recommendation: If you want to work effectively in any of these high-demand freelance skills, you’ll need to learn how to work smartly by utilizing tools that will aid your delivery. One such tool is the Workee software.

Workee is a cutting-edge business management tool designed for freelancers and independent professionals. This tool allows users to create customized websites with various features such as booking, scheduling meetings, and payment integrations in less than a minute. One of the standout features of Workee is that freelancers can receive payments directly by integrating with trusted payment processors like PayPal and Stripe.

Workee offers automation tools to help manage projects and clients by streamlining invoicing and communication tasks. Users have a free Starter plan or a Pro plan with additional features. Workee is an all-in-one solution for freelancers, making it simple to showcase their work and manage their businesses effectively.


With freelancing becoming increasingly popular, having the necessary skills to establish a successful career is important. These seven skills will be in high demand across various industries in the upcoming years. By mastering one or more of these skills, you can secure consistent work as a freelancer and be a valuable asset to businesses seeking your expertise. Whether you specialize in content creation, digital marketing, web development, data analysis, or any other skill, the freelance world offers endless opportunities to explore.

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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