Building a thriving freelancer platform with workee

Ihor Bauman was a guest on the RepStack Podcast hosted by Azhar Siddiqui. This enlightening podcast delves into the growing trend of freelance work and the solutions Workee brings to the table, the challenges faced by teams spread across various time zones, and the future of Workee.

Get firsthand info about:
Workee and what it is all about.
How Workee serves as a pilot for freelance businesses, assisting work processes, managing clients, automating operations, and doing so without fees.
The functionalities Workee offers, such as allowing freelancers to set up their personal website in under a minute, setting a schedule, getting bookings and payments directly without any intermediaries, consolidating all invoices, calculating taxes, offering project management tools, and allowing for seamless client communication all from one place.
How many people currently use Workee.
Workee’s journey - How the idea for this platform came about.
How team building is approached, and which areas to prioritize as Workee continues to expand.
The future of Workee.
How people can learn more about Workee and get in touch.
This exciting discussion provides valuable takeaways for anyone interested in growing their online freelance business or leveraging the power of Workee.
Ensure not to miss out! Listen to the podcast and be inspired to take your business to new heights.