10 best ways for teachers to communicate with parents effectively

From the corporate world to social dealings, communication has been a critical aspect of development, association, and socioeconomic relationships. ApEvenducation is not left out.

As a tutor, one of the most critical factors for your student's success is the involvement and support of their parents. Strong parent-teacher communication is the key to building a positive and productive relationship with families, leading to increased student engagement, better academic performance, and higher satisfaction levels for all parties involved.

And while both parties (parents and teachers) have to make efforts to ensure constant communication, tutors must learn to be receptive and initiate relevant communication with parents. 

Let's talk about ways for teachers to communicate with parents.

The importance of parents-teachers communication 

Why is this communication so important, you might ask? Well, it's like the glue that holds the whole education system together. For a schooling child, education is the responsibility of the parents as it is the instructors. A synergistic relationship between home and school must exist for the child to get the best education. 

Communication helps parents to stay informed about their child's academic progress, behavior, and any issues that might arise in the classroom. And on the other hand, it helps teachers better understand the child's home environment and any external factors that might affect their performance in school.

Here are some important benefits of communicating with parents

  • Improved academic performance: When parents and teachers communicate regularly, they can work together to identify any challenges or issues affecting a child's academic performance. This can lead to early intervention and support, improving the child's academic success.

  • Promotes a better understanding of the child: Parents and teachers can discuss a child's abilities, limitations, interests, and learning preferences as they interact. This can assist teachers in modifying their instruction better to fit the requirements and preferences of the students.

  • Enhances parental involvement: When parents are informed about their child's progress, they are more likely to be involved in their child's education. This can lead to increased parental support and engagement in school activities, which can benefit the child.

  • Improved behavior and social skills: Children can learn crucial social skills and improve their self-control when parents and teachers collaborate to handle behavioral difficulties. This may result in better conduct inside and outside of the classroom.

  • Easy identification of learning difficulties: Regular communication between parents and teachers can help identify any learning difficulties or developmental delays early on. This can help ensure that children receive the support and resources they need to succeed in school.

  • Facilitates Goal-Setting: Communication between parents and teachers can help establish shared goals for the child's education. This can include academic, social, and emotional goals. Working together towards these goals can lead to greater success for the child.

  • Builds Trust: When parents and teachers communicate regularly and openly, it can help build trust between them. This trust can lead to a more positive and supportive learning environment for the child.

Effective communication channels for parents and teachers

Let's explore different strategies and ideas for parent-teacher communication; it's important to consider the different forms that communication can take. Here are a few common parent-teacher communication forms:

  1. Phone Calls: Sometimes, a phone call can be a more efficient way to communicate than email. A quick call can clear up any misunderstandings and allow both parties to ask questions and clarify information.

  2. Emails: Emails are a convenient way to communicate with parents, especially for non-urgent matters. Teachers can use emails to provide updates, share resources, and answer questions. Also, It allows both parties to send and receive messages at their convenience and can be easily organized and archived for future reference.

  3. Newsletters: Newsletters can effectively keep parents informed about school events, important dates, and classroom news. Teachers can send out newsletters regularly, such as weekly or monthly.

  4. Parent-Teacher Conferences; allow teachers to meet with parents in person to discuss a student's progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. Conferences can be scheduled regularly throughout the school year or as needed.

  5. Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Meetings: PTO meetings are a great way for parents to get involved in the school community and stay informed about school events and initiatives.

  6. Student-Led Conferences: Some schools adopt a student-led conference model rather than traditional parent-teacher conferences. In this model, students take the lead in presenting their progress, goals, and areas for improvement to their parents, with the teacher facilitating the discussion. This model can be empowering for students and helps to foster a sense of ownership over their learning.

  7. Class Blogs or Websites: Setting up a class blog or website can effectively keep parents informed about classroom news and events. Teachers can post updates, photos, and resources on the blog or website, allowing parents to stay connected and engaged with their child's education.

  8. Social Media: Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can be powerful tools for parent-teacher communication. Teachers can use social media to share classroom news and updates, post photos of student work, and engage with parents in real time.

  9. Parent-Teacher Book Club: A parent-teacher book club is a great way to engage parents in their child's education and create a sense of community within the school.

  10. Workee software: Workee is one of the best tools for managing communication and collaboration with parents and students. It's an all-in-one software with features like a CRM, video conferencing tool, and booking and scheduling function; you even get a free professional website to promote your service. With Workee, you get a complete business management hub that allows you to communicate seamlessly and promote your service. Sign-up here for free. 


It's important to remember that different communication channels may work better for parents and teachers, depending on their preferences and needs. Using a variety of communication channels can help ensure that everyone stays informed and involved in a student's education.

Ihor, CEO at Workee

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